Christ is the head of this church
Burnet, Texas

Sermons from May 2017

I Shall Not Be Moved- Bulletin Article

Adversity exists as a great constant in life. While its form may change and though its impact may vary, always it remains, lurking in the shadows, ever ready to pounce and create misery at a moment’s notice. It challenges marriages as a couple is forced to confront differences and overcome selfishness. It challenges congregations, whether through doctrinal conflict or moral failures. It…


Unity among the followers of Christ is a wonderful, blessed thing that can only be achieved by following the apostles’ doctrine. The religious division in our society has been caused by religious people “setting aside” Christ’s doctrine and promoting the doctrines and teachings of men. While many cry out today that we must lay aside doctrine and just worship Jesus, Paul told…

The Rich Man and Lazerus

In eternity, the status of the rich man and Lazerus changed: In eternity, Lazerus became rich and the rich man became poor.  In eternity, Lazerus was comforted and the rich man was in torment. In eternity, Lazerus received peace, and the rich man was faced with eternal regret. Luke 16:19-31 19 “There was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple…

Cowardly and Careless, or Committed? – Bulletin Article

In the book of Judges we learn that God’s people drifted into apostasy again and again, worshipping idols and serving false gods (Judges 2:10-11). God, in His infinite wisdom, would chastise His people by allowing the surrounding nations to oppress them. God’s people would eventually turn back to Him and cry out for His protection. Full of tender love and mercy God…